
     Today I was discussing with my “actor crew”  who will be which actor. For the two out-of-Towners that need to be scary as possible. For this I am thinking a huge build, stuffing toilet paper in their clothes, and face tattoos with a sharpie and of course some boss attire, such as a trench coat and long jeans and hiking boots.

     For the Weston people, I need them to not look scary at all, but scary for a suburb standard. They could waging just a hoodie and blue jeans and some white shoes. They will be wearing no jewelry to show they are new to the drug business and not ,asking as much money. There shoes need to be dirty to show how unprepared and immature they look.

     The costumes for all characters will be CRUCIAL in portraying all back stories because the opening will only 2 minutes, so the dialogue, costumes and props will make or break the opening.


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